CompEx Ex01-Ex04 Refresher Course Booking CompEx Ex01-Ex04 Refresher Course How many candidates will be sitting the course? Number of candidates*(Max 10 candidates) Price: £ 725.00 Number of candidates Total to pay will be: £ 0.00 (This will be invoiced separately)Choose a course date*Dates to be arranged by company request. Please contact.Company name*Company contact name*Company contact email* Company address* Street Address Address Line 2 City County Post Code Is the company invoice address the same as above? Yes No Invoice address Street Address Address Line 2 City County Post Code Your payment method wil be…* BACS Cheque Please add details for each candidate below:Candidate's nameCandidate's occupationCandidate's date of birth DD slash MM slash YYYY Candidate's email Candidate's telephone numberShould the certificate be sent directly to the candidate? Yes No Send this candidate's certificate to: Street Address Address Line 2 City County Post Code Add Another CandidateRemove CandidateWhen all of the candidates have been added, please submit the form. Δ